Freedom Philosophy™

Discover a deep and meaningful
Spiritual Christianity!

Are you ready to draw deeper spiritual truths from The Word?
Are you ready to find a real and lasting sense of inner Peace?
Are you ready for a stronger personal connection with our Lord Jesus Christ?

Then continue and discover the sacred wisdom and spiritual tools that hold the key
to master your inner peace and find true meaning to support your own spiritual journey.

My name is Cor Visser-Marchant and I am your host at Freedom Philosophy™.
It is my mission to help free the minds of those seeking a deeper and more meaningful personal spirituality.

“The only way to a free mind is to accept truth and live it!” – Cor

Start Here


What people say about our spiritual philosophy:

Spiritual Transformation

The 3 Steps to Your Success

Join our Community

Commit your heart to find
real meaning and purpose.

 we welcome you

Study our Courses

Commit your mind to accept greater spiritual wisdom.

we guide you

Apply our Principles

Commit your life to real growth and inner transformation.

we support you

Our Mission

To promote a life of inner peace (love), real meaning (wisdom) and purpose (usefulness)
through Spiritual Christianity for a truly free mind (spirit)

“Commit your heart to love what is good and your mind to accept what is true!” – Cor

Be part of something bigger!

your spiritual journey with us to get the tools and support you need to grow in heavenly peace.
the sacred scriptures and discover the profound personal spiritual wisdom it holds for you today.
your faith and personal connection with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Drawing from the Bible and revelations of Emanuel Swedenborg, you will discover the forgotten ancient sacred wisdom that holds the key, but
also helps to strengthening your faith and personal connection with the Divine: our Lord Jesus Christ!

Imagine yourself in a year or two …

seeing the deeper personal message in the sacred scriptures for your life today

having no more fear about your own life after death

having trust, comfort and inner peace, even in the midst of significant adversity

having the ability to respond appropriately with the thoughts and emotions flowing in

realising the meaning and purpose behind many life experiences

having clear answers to your most challenging questions

being able to discuss the most complex spiritual topics and ideas

no longer being driven by fear, anxiety, regret or other negative thoughts

being able to accept joyfulness and gratitude at any time


Start your journey today

Blog Spotlight

Freedom Philosophy Blog

Collection of public facing articles written for Freedom Philosophy, which highlight the spiritual philosophy and practical application underpinning it. If any of these articles spark your interest then have a look at the other content we have to learn more. Our community offers a deeper and more meaningful christian spiritual philosophy, so check it out. NB: you will see we have also been sharing some important posts on current issues, with the aim that you may not be deceived by the lies and anti-freedom, anti-human and anti-Christian propaganda of those who merely seek to enslave and control others for selfish gains.


Thoughts on Truth

Never confuse truth with good, nor our understanding with the divine reality.

Forming the mind (mens)

we have two distinct levels of thought, which allows us to observe, reflect and imagine.

Building Resilience

To start off, I like to reflect a little on resilience and how to build it.The first thing I need to acknowledge is that life is hard, often seemingly unfair...