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3 Ways to read the Bible

You might be surprised that there are more than one way to read anything, let alone the sacred scriptures. I believe there is a traditional, a practical and a spiritual way to read the scriptures. Let me here briefly outline the three distinctly different ways of reading the scriptures as I see it.

1. Traditionally

One may also call this the literal or natural method. This method is aimed at the literal text alone and is useful for memorising stories, finding references and learning historical context. It is a way to enjoy the prose and beauty of the language upon which much of Shakespeare is based too. This method helps us predominantly builds up stories for recalling at a later time from our memory.

It particularly applies when reading the scriptures cover-to-cover, such as daily bible reading programs or presenting bible stories to children. The same applies when we listen to audio bibles or when we watch a video based on biblical stories. It is no different to the way we read any novel for entertainment or seek to gain any knowledge for the sake of knowing.

Here is a bible verse many will know from having memorised it.

“If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”
 – The Word, John 7:37-38

I think, well I hope, you can agree with me that reading scripture in this way has a place, but presents a very limited path. It puts all the responsibility on the text to present itself and this method offers no deeper approach than mere memory knowledge.

2. Practically

The practical method is not directly aimed at the literal text alone, but focuses on personal guidance for life application. It seeks to find rules to follow or examples of life application and may therefore also be called the application method. It applies when we infer character qualities from biblical figures, draw on proverbs, laws and sayings on how to live and follow direct examples or rules taught in various places. Looking for practical support in the sacred scriptures sees an extra layer of meaning and effect coming from the various biblical stories.

You can see there is a personal level of interpretation required with how to give effect to the practical advice derived from the literal text in sacred scripture. This is possibly too the level at which most misunderstanding and conflict occurs as a result of doctrinal application differences.

Here is a bible verse we refer to as the Golden rule. This same law is found in every religion in one form or another.

“In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets.”
– The Word, Matthew 7:12 (NASB)

Perhaps you can see somewhat of a progression? As we look to practical application, the actual literal text becomes a little less important beyond the guidance it offers informing the interpretation. This must by necessity be so, because not all text is absolute and without any ambiguity. Reason being is that language is contextual and dependent on cultural norms and to lesser extent personal interpretation from experience.

3. Spiritually

This method is seemingly the most contentious, because it mostly disregards the meaning of the literal text, but focuses on direct personal application. It can also be referred to as the symbolic or allegorical method. With it separates the interpreted meaning from the literal meaning, it should not be considered arbitrarily.

Within this there are essentially two distinct sub-methods:

A. The allegorical interpretation in which there is a consistent level of representation (or correspondence) between the natural presentation and the spiritual meaning that underpins it. For example, it is well known (on the most rudimentary level of allegory) that by light or to see is actually meant to understand and that by taking up the cross is not meant to literally carry a heavy wooden structure, but to take responsibility for our character and behaviour and so doing what we must.

B. The personal interpretation in which we meditate and pray to understand the personal message the Word has for us. It seeks to gain insight for spiritual correction and is the only method by which we have a direct connection with the Lord.

Only these two related ways of approaching the sacred scripture spiritually carry the mechanism by which The Lord is actually acknowledged as the Living Word. In other words, where the Word is allowed to live.

The following verse offers a great example of where the bible itself gives us insight into it’s living spiritual nature.

“And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself. .. And they said to one another, ‘Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?’”
– The Word, Luke 24:27,32

I wholeheartedly recommend studying the allegorical nature of the sacred scriptures, as well as take time to regularly meditate and allow The Word through the scriptures offer you guidance in this way.

A final note

Before leaving you with the idea that these methods of approaching the way you read the sacred scriptures are exclusive, as well as distinct, allow me to make it clear to you that, while the deeper allegorical meaning may be totally removed from what presents on the surface level and therefore seemingly unconnected, in the ideal circumstance it will be true on all levels at the same time. However we must constantly bear in mind that the Lord (the Word) is in fact only considered with our spiritual character – our heart and not so much with what we do or know.

This is also how you will find the distinction between biblical text useful for teaching and those parts that I believe can actually be considered the Word. The Word, which is infinite and complete, must be consistent and true on the spiritual level first and foremost: the cause of our reality. If you look for it, you will find a consistent correspondence between the natural and the spiritual. This is the Law of Correspondence and magical once you get to understand it.

Blessings and Peace be with you,


Cor Visser-Marchant

Cor Visser-Marchant

Spiritual life coach, author and host of Freedom Philosophy We are an online community of Christians seeking a deeper, more meaningful spirituality. Be part of something bigger!