thoughts on classical liberalism and Australian politics

With this book the author challenges the reader to a return to fundamental principles in politics with a series of thoughts outlining why classical liberal principles are so critically important, a message seemingly lost.

A must read for all freedom and truth loving individuals who vote! Applicable anywhere, but specifically aimed at Australian voters who value a fair and prosperous nation.

Title: Message in a Bottle
Subtitle: Thoughts on classical liberalism and Australian politics
Paperback: 112 pages

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Message in a Bottle - cover page
Message in a Bottle - Inside
Message in a Bottle - Cover Back

Publisher: Freedom Philosophy

ISBN: 9780645074307 (Paperback)

Australian Politics —Political Philosophy —Economics.

First Print Edition


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    Introduction . . . 7
    What is Liberalism? . . . 9
    Australian Politics . . . 12
    Liberal Party Beliefs . . . 13
    7 Core Themes . . . 16
    Indefeasible Rights . . . 20

    Human Prosperity . . . 25
    Liberal Policy . . . 27
    Law Enforcement . . . 33
    Left vs Right . . . 35
    The Key Problems with Socialism . . . 39

    What is at Stake? . . . 52
    A Deadly History . . . 56
    The Collectivist Playbook . . . 59
    The World in Chaos . . . 62

    Post Modernism . . . 64
    Cultural Marxism . . . 66
    So? What is wrong with it? . . . 68
    The Issue isn’t the Issue! . . . 71
    Going Deeper . . . 73
    Unpacking the root cause . . . 75
    Summary of thought . . . 76

    Myths about Capitalism . . . 79
    3 Political Mistakes . . . 86
    Tiers of Debate . . . 88
    Are you being Manipulated? . . . 92
    Policy Consistency, Please . . . 93
    Principle Lessons . . . 94

    Why this book?

    The goal of this book is to challenge a return to fundamental principles in the broader body politic and legislature. To challenge the reader to go beyond the status quo and demand that our politicians lead from the front. We should demand our politicians stand on core principles. This seems to me to be an otherwise long lost message and is now becoming a cry for help. The book title, given our Island nation too, seems appropriate for this purpose.

    When we have leaders rest upon clear principles, we have a scenario where there are few surprises and where potential political decisions are anticipated as a matter of course, derived from these elected representative’s same advertised principles. Too much to ask? I don’t think so, but I appreciate that the ‘Canberra Bubble’ can corrupt the thinking and the rot of love of power infiltrates the minds with the idea that politicians (government) and bureaucrats (the machine) can and should do everything that needs doing. It is the ego-centric power of dominion and narcissism that subtly creeps in and which we must guard against, because there is never a lack of things that can be done.

    The second goal is to share those principles I believe are the most ideal, together with an explanation of my reasoning. I believe that these are the very same classical liberal principles and values that underpin the Liberal Party’s Raison d’Etre (reason for its existence) and lie at the heart of every western democracy. You can also use terms like libertarian or conservative to cover most of the same, all quite happily being part of the same ‘broad church’. As such, I foresee this booklet to be as much of an introduction to classical liberalism as it is an introduction to the values of the Liberal Party of Australia (or equivalent political party platforms). Not to mention some criticisms of modern day politics and warning against contrary collectivist ideology.

    In other words, I am hoping to inform liberal party members and voters more broadly, as well as liberal politicians and political leaders more broadly about those fundamental principles and values that formed the building blocks of our Judeo-Christian democratic nation and it’s prosperity for all and hope that all those who care about these values demand its principled insistence in our eco-political landscape for the sake of future generations.

    Some attention grabbers for marketing use: