What You’ll Get From Allegory in Sacred Scripture 101“And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures.” – The Word, Luke 24:45
When we read the bible, it becomes very obvious that the prophets and early Christians were well aware of the allegorical or symbolic significance of the scriptures. The symbolism we will unpack in this series was well understood in ancient times, but has since long been forgotten. We can trace remnants of it back within the oldest known languages, within myths, stories and even those sayings that have survived in the modern world. You only need to bring a humble state of mind: a willingness to be led by the Lord. This is a short, six lesson bible study series were you will be introduced to the ancient symbolic language found in the sacred scriptures and get started exploring yourself. This was originally a video out-reach series produced in 2017 and is now offered free to the Freedom Philosophycommunity.
“the literal sense of the Word is written by appearances and correspondences. Each of its details therefore contains a spiritual sense in which truth is illuminated by its own light, and the literal
sense is in shadow.” – Emanuel Swedenborg, True Christian Religion 771