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Forming the mind (mens)

By November 26, 2020 June 22nd, 2024 No Comments

Humans are unique in that we can act contrary to our thoughts and beliefs. We can love one thing, but say and perhaps do something altogether different. Clearly we are capable of reflecting on our thoughts and actions, even while engaged with them. We can be thinking about our current thoughts and our current feelings. I other words, we can observe our thoughts and feelings!

Put it another way: we have two distinct levels of thought, which allows us to observe, reflect and imagine. It also allows us a buffer to protect and choose what we want to be and ponder.

Choices have consequences!

Repeat choices form hard to break habits and affirm character traits. 

Like Facebook and Youtube filter out most of what you don’t seem interested in as a result of the choices you have made, so are the thoughts and affections continually being reaffirmed and strengthened within you with each decision you make.

Like a water filter, you have a mind that is effectively able to select which thoughts and affection to affirm.

We are therefore free to choose to affirm useful thoughts and good affections or destructive thoughts and selfish affections.

Your thoughts, and more particular the ones you like, reveal your true character and quality. The more you accept them, the more you fuel that love and thus confirm your inner nature.

It is this process of managing our thought influx, which allows us to let go of our egocentric thoughts and control our feelings.

Dissociating our self, our individuality, from the thoughts and feelings that flow into us, we can stay in the rightful place as observer and referee.

Our experience of the world, and thus our life situation, is dependent on our personal perception filter, which is driven and tuned by the choices of thoughts and feelings to own.

Joy only comes from an ability to express, and thus experience, what we love. Therefore in order to be happy we must seek to understand and determine what it is we really love and then to work to filter out disharmonious and destructive thoughts.

Saying “it’s just me” or “I can’t change” is wrong. Worse, it is being mentally weak, juvenile and a simple cop-out from reality.

Accepting and simply being swept along by the thoughts and emotions flowing in is effectively rejecting what makes a thinking man a homo sapiens sapiens and behaving no different than a mere animal.

Most popular at the moment in this age of entitlement is a victimhood mentality. People being offended as a result of what other people say, as if it is a virtuous character trait to be helpless. Not being able to filter out the emotions and thoughts that flow in.

True, you cannot really affect the thoughts and feelings that flow into you, but you sure as taxation can decide which thoughts and affections stick around – those you choose to own!

You are the power to choose! In fact, you are personally responsible for your own state of mind.

Only you can and must choose the thoughts and affections to own. You must control the power.

Your mind is only truly free when you control this power!

How the cycle works: Feed the mind > Use the mind > Free the mind

Blessings and peace,


Cor Visser-Marchant

Cor Visser-Marchant

Spiritual life coach, author and host of Freedom Philosophy We are an online community of Christians seeking a deeper, more meaningful spirituality. Be part of something bigger!

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