Truth points to good.
Truth is not the Infinite Divine, but merely a form of good we can receive and accept. Our minds are limited and everything we read is limited by our ability to understand and express it, it is an accommodation that we may be led to good. Never confuse truth with good, nor our understanding with the divine reality.
In other words, truth exists on account of Good, not the other way around. Will/Love effects reality/creation, not the reverse.
Meaning the role of truth is to give expression to what is good (and so God and what is Real) so that it can be understood and accepted. In fact it IS an expression and so the effect of what is Good – the Divine Will.
This becomes understanding in us, which if accepted, should give rise for a change of heart, and importantly, a change in the way we live and apply ourselves.
The result is that we begin to live for the effect of good, which is service and usefulness to others and less from a mere obedience to law. Like teenagers, who live in a black and white world, we too pass through a right and wrong phase in our spiritual progression. And this recurs as we pick up new truths. After that we see the cause and source of this truth, which is Love.
Ultimately the love for saving the human race.
This love is NOT so black and white (although clearly some things are objectively real and true) and we raise our thinking beyond the fixed perceptions and literal teachings from scripture. Instead we focus on the good effect with the aim of others eternal happiness.
Once we start shifting into this phase, we begin more to intuitively accept what is true.
Going back then, to standing on doctrinal teachings and focus on truth alone, is like returning to self-justification and judgement of others. It removes the life (love of good) from our spiritual work.
Mind you, this doesn’t mean we should not seek to understand teachings, because we should. However, never forget that the teachings merely describe a perception of reality in order to effect a change of heart to align with reality itself.
In such a state we no longer need to refer to and confirm by a statement in accepted scripture before we are able to accept truth when we hear it.
Blessings and peace 🙏